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When modding OMORI, you'll encounter different file types. This page aims to explain the decrypted files, and the file types you can use to modify the game, which are not the same.

Common file types

These file types are commonly used by OMORI and you'll encounter these when decrypting the game.

.js - JavaScript

Encrypted: yes, as .OMORI files
Patching: not directly (read on)
OMORI uses JavaScript files for its game logic1).
These files can't be patched, but the functions they define can usually be just overwritten. This means that in mods you can, for the most part, just create the same file structure the game has and modify functions as you need. Just remember that your code doesn't replace the original files, your function definitions will simply overwrite the previous ones, normally through object prototype manipulation, which is what the normal game files do as well:

SomeObject.prototype.function = function() {...}

To summarize, mods may look like they are patching JavaScript files, because for the most part, you can overwrite the functions as if the files where able to be patched, but it's an important difference to the other files, where the mod's file will be loaded instead of the normal game file2) and not in addition to, as is with JS files. More Info on JS in OMORI.

.json - JavaScript Object Notation

Encrypted: yes, as .KEL
Patching: normal patching, and can also be delta-patched
JSON files only hold data, no JavaScript logic. They are used by the game to store enemy descriptions, or events. They might contain data that gets interpreted by the game as if it was game logic. These files can be normally patched, and delta-patched. JSON files are very easy to work with in JavaScript, because all data types supported by JSON can be mapped 1-to-1 into a JavaScript object or array. It's worth mentioning that JSON doesn't support all types that a JS object does, like functions.

.png - Transparent image files

Encrypted: yes, as .rpgmvp
Patching: normal replacement or delta patching using image deltas
PNG files are image files that support transparency. This is how the game stores all common images.

.yaml - YAML Ain't Markup Language

Encrypted: yes, as .HERO
Patching: normal replacement or delta patching using .yamld
YAML files are similar to .json files, in that they hold the same data types, like strings, numbers, objects etc. The two big differences regarding OMORI is that YAML files have a different, more human-friendly syntax, and they support comments, which JSON files don't. YAML files are primarily used for dialogue files found in \/languages\/, and are therefore more comfortable to edit than JSON.

.yml - The legacy file extension

.yml is a legacy file extension, which means it used to be used for YAML files, but the official file extension today is .yaml. Most programs will still recognise .yml as a YAML file. We recommend using only .yaml for constistency. You'll encounter .yml with projects that used files decrypted using the decryptor mod for Gomori, which outputs files with the .yml extension. The built-in decryptor of OneLoader will output the same files with a .yaml extension.

.ogg - Vorbis audio

Encrypted: yes, as .rpgmvo
Patching: normal replacement
.ogg files contain compressed audio using the Vorbis codec. They can be patched normally.

Delta files

Deltas are explained here. They are special file types to modify a game file. They are not used by the base game, only by OMORI mods through the help of OneLoader. The file types that can be used for delta patching are:

.jsond - JSON patch files

Patch only parts of the object contained within a game's JSON file by loading a `.jsond` file. The syntax to modify JSON objects can be found here. Here's a JSON patch generator which you can use to generate patches by supplying the original file, and the state after your modifications. We recommend this, because manually writing JSON patches is hard.

.yamld - YAML patch files

You can use .yamld files to patch YAML files similar to .jsond. You might think that the content needs to be the json-patch format, but instead with YAML syntax, but this is not the case. Unlike YAML files, which naturally contain YAML syntax, .yamld files must contain JSON syntax that matches the json-patch schema, just like `.jsond` files. (Todo: add example to illustrate)

.olid - OneLoaderImageDelta

OneLoaderImageDelta files contain patching instructions for PNG files. You can find out more on the wiki page about replacing images.

Less common file types

.webm - Video files

Encrypted: no
Patching: normal replacement
WebM files are lossy video files encoded using VP9.

.ttf - Font files

Encrypted: no
Patching: normal replacement

donottouch.xlxs - language file index table

Encrypted: yes, same encryption as .KEL, but encrypted file also has .xlxs extension.
Patching: don't3)

Other known file types

.so, .lib, .dll

JavaScript Addendum

You should know that you don't have to keep the same file structure, or names, or even contents. You can name your files whatever you want, as long as you load them properly through the mod.json file. You can also have all functions in a single or just a few files, if you want.

The game runs in an environment that combines a conventional browser with a Node.js instance. Because OMORI uses RPG Maker MV, which in turn uses PIXI.js, you mostly don't need any HTML or CSS knowledge. We might go into the details of PIXI.js in relation OMORI in a different wiki entry.
excluding delta files
As far as we can tell, there's no need to modify this file, and it might actually just mess up stuff. [Sources required lol]